Muslim Youth - Tasks and Responsibilities
"Youth is an age that is distinguished with having energy and vitality. Young people represent life and hope. They are the present and the future and are often the upper arm of a nation. They are most likely to emerge as leaders..."
Ustadh Ahmad Ehwas
3/16/202413 min read
Youth is an age that is distinguished with having energy and vitality. Young people represent life and hope. They are the present and the future and are often the upper arm of a nation. They are most likely to emerge as leaders and therefore, there can be no bright future for a nation whose youth have become lazy, indolent or have an inclination toward luxuriousness and debility or that they indulge excessively their passions. This is an introduction regarding youth generally, but it is important that this be established at the outset of this talk.
Historical references
Islam is now passing through a very hard stage. Muslims have already, in earlier centuries, passed through difficult circumstances replete with backwardness and ignorance, and controlled by imperialist armed forces where economic dispossession occurred in the beginning followed by the imposition of alien ideologies and culture in the latter stages. Imperialist forces have displayed enmity toward Islam and Muslims with many different impulses such as religious fanaticism fueled by a fear of the expansion of Islam which can sustain life under extreme circumstances.
The actions of imperialist forces succeeded in preventing the spread of Islam and in the separation of Muslims from the practice of their religion. In other words, they succeeded in removing the Islamic conduct from Muslim's practical life. It was a stroke of genius that had resulted in delaying the spread of the truth of Islam, victory in corners of the world that is in desperate need of its guidance.
I do not like to speak about the conditions of Muslims at that time because as a matter of fact they do not express the reality of Islam as it has been inspired by Allah ﷻ. This revelation has been practiced in the life of the Prophet ﷺ and practiced during the times of his successors, the prominent Khalifas and Imams and also has been practiced during the past fourteen centuries for certain periods (long and short) and in different places (large and small) of the well-known Islamic world. The Muslims were happy, prosperous and proud whenever they were citizens in an Islamic system.
I do not want to speak about the history of Islam and Muslims, what I actually want to speak about is the present and the future.
Some people believe that it is difficult for a genuine Islamic life to exist again, some may be convinced by the ideas which say that Islam is like any other religion which has been surpassed by history. Some may think that the Islamic system is a backward one which will obligate the people to live the life of a bedouin and isolate themselves in the desert far away from civilization, deprived of the amusement and enjoyment that modern culture offers.
I am not going to speak about the characteristics of Islam and its privileges which make it suitable for every time and every place, or about its vigour which makes the Muslims - if they practice its teaching - the leaders and masters of the world. I am not going to speak about the realism of Islam which looks on the human as a creation of spirit and matter, and it is very important - to normalize life - to satisfy both aspects and to balance between the needs of the flesh and the rhythms of the spirit. Nor is it to ignore the materialistic needs such as food, drink, marital relations etc. nor to ignore the spiritual necessities - the importance of which is to keep the humanity in mankind and prevent men from falling down into the pit of the animal kingdom. By this balance, Islam gives us a chance to enjoy all the good in this life. In the Holy Qur'an, Allah revealed:
"Say: Who hath forbidden the beautiful (gifts) of Allah, which He hath produced for His servants, and the things clean and pure (which he bath provided) for sustenance? Say, they are in the life of this world for those who believe (and) purely for them on the Day of Judgment, thus do we explain the signs in detail for those who understand. Say, the things that my Lord hath indeed forbidden are shameful deeds whether open or secret."
(Al-’Araf: 32-33)
"They ask thee what is lawful to them (as food) . Say, lawful unto you are (all) things good and pure."
(Al-Ma’idah: 5)
"This day are (all) things good and pure made lawful unto you" 5/6. And "The good things which Allah hath made lawful for you, but commit no excess for Allah loveth not those given to excess."
(Al-Ma’idah: 90)
More than this,
"Eat of the things which Allah hath provided for you lawful and good, but fear Allah in whom you believe."
(Al-Ma’idah: 91)
Muslims as well as the Prophets of Allah ﷻ are ordered to enjoy all good things.
"O ye Apostles! Enjoy all things good and pure and work righteousness, for I am well acquainted with (all) that ye do"
(Al-Mu’minun: 51)
Also He ﷻ ordered the people to beautify themselves and reveals:
"O children of Adam wear your beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer, eat and drink, but waste not by excess, for Allah loveth not the wasters."
If we compare the halal and the haram we will find that the unlawful are very few. But those who oppose Islam and those who do not understand it wrongfully accuse Islam of restricting the actions of mankind and of obstructing their progress and advancement. I have to refer to all these comments briefly because I feel it is very important as an approach to the subject which we are talking about.
As to the topic of Muslim youth in the Holy Qur’an, I said that youth are the life of nations. If we look back into history we see that the youth are the effective power that carry the spirit of challenge and spirit of adventure and can withstand the different streams. They are always determined to follow up the ways and the means to achieve an objective. In the Holy Qur’an, for instance, there is the narration pertaining to the ‘people of the cave’
"We relate their story in truth. They were youth who believed in their Lord, and we advanced them in guidance . We gave strength to their hearts, behold they stood up and said "Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and of the earth, never shall we call upon any god other than Him, if we did we should indeed have uttered an enormity! Our people have taken to worship gods other than Him, why do they not bring forward an authority clear (and convincing) for what they do? Who doth more wrong that such as invent a falsehood against Allah? When ye turn away from them and the things they worship other than Allah, betake yourselves to the cave, Your Lord will shower His mercies on you and dispose of your affair towards comfort and ease."
After sharing some important details, the Quranic narrative states:
"Thus did we make their case known to the people that they might know that the promise of Allah is true."
"As to those who believe and work righteousness, verily We shall not suffer the reward of any who do a (single) righteous deed"
We have also the story of our master Sayyidina Ibrahim who said to his father and his people:
"What are these images to which ye are so assiduously devoted? They said, we found our fathers worshiping them. He said, "Indeed ye have been in manifest error - ye and your fathers"
After that he destroyed their idols. So he broke them to pieces (all) but the biggest of them that they might turn to it..
"They said "Who has done this to our gods? He must indeed be some man of impiety! They said "We heard a youth talk of them he is called Abraham"
Of course, they tried to punish him, but Allah always saves His servants.
"Then they sought a start game against him but we made them the ones that lost most"
There are many other stories, such as the story of Prophet Yusuf with his brothers, and also, the two youth who were with him in prison.
Muslim Youth in history
In the Islamic history we find so many youth who believed in Allah and sacrificed for His ﷻ sake. They were examples in their life and the fruits of their efforts were excellent and well known. We have Osama bin Zaid for instance, who was appointed by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ as a commander of the Islamic army. Among the soldiers were Omar bin Al-khattab and Uthman and others of the Prophet’s ﷺ companions. The Prophet ﷺ died before the army was ready and some of his companions told Abu Bakr to change the leadership of the army saying that Osamah was but a mere youth. Our master Abu Bakr said: “I should not unfasten a knot that has been fastened by Prophet Muhammad” ﷺ. The Army went out and won the battle under the command of Osamah, the youth.
We also have Mohammad bin Al-Qasim who led the Islamic armies to the Indian peninsula and propagated Islam in that area. He was also a youth, but what youth they were!!
Muslim tasks
Brothers, youth, your tasks are great and your responsibilities are of great magnitude. You have to think carefully with serious and responsible feelings. Your tasks as Muslim youth are composed of your tasks as Muslims and your tasks as youth in society.
A. Tasks of Muslims are
Towards Allah Almighty.
Towards one's self.
Towards the society, nation and country.
Towards mankind and other creations.
B. The tasks of youth in a society are represented by their abilities, determination, activities, and vitalities which are the essence of success and production. Their energy and their aspirations qualify them to undertake the responsibilities with steadfastness and strength.
Tasks towards Allah
The tasks of Muslims in this life are numerous based on (iman) faith and righteous actions.
To believe in Allah ﷻ the One God and in His Angels, His scriptures, His Messengers, the Day of Judgement and in divine fate and destiny.
To demonstrate this belief with actions that conform to the commandments of Allah ﷻ and following the teaching of His Prophet Muhammad ﷺ without neg1ect or excess.
To emphasize the common understanding of worship in Islam which comprehends all sides of life, social, economic and political on individual or national status and in dealing among Muslims or with others. Islam means surrender, and worship in Islam is not only the relation between the servant and his Lord, but it controls the Muslim’s life since he sees the light at birth or even before till he is buried in the grave when he starts a new stage of being.
From the principle of Islam's suitability to every time and every place, which is confirmed by the Prophet’s ﷺ sayings: Muslims should believe definitely that the future is to the Islamic religion, and must do his best to put this prophecy into action. He must be prepared to receive the honour of participating in the revival of the Islamic life.
Muslim youth cannot achieve good results or successes in the propagation of his da’wah unless he is an example of what he preaches. In other words, he lives practically the truth which he invites others to follow. Our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was the best example for his companions and he never asked them to do something unless he had done it.
Muslims cannot fulfill these tasks in the best shape unless he reaches a certain level of taqwa and birr (piety)openly and in secret and aims primarily to glorify Allah ﷻ even when he is exposed to the ridicule and mockery of other people. Piety and Allah's fear are the weapons of believers who must realize that every distress which befalls them is from Allah ﷻ and that the hardships would not avoid them. Allah says in the Holy Qur’an:
"Say, nothing will happen to us except what Allah has decreed for us. He is our Protector" and on Allah let the believers put their trust"
(At-Tawbah: 51)
This does not mean that Muslims should stay in a weak position or remain handicapped without seeking a means to change their condition. Rather, our efforts must continue to meet the needs of his da’wah at the stage which we are passing. We have known that our Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is the best example for us and the one whom we should imitate. We have known that he ﷺ and his companions and followers had passed different stages and their reaction was suitable to their situation and their abilities. For instance, they have received in patience the torture of their enemies at the beginning. Then they traveled to distant places in order to secure themselves and their religion. After that, they defended their state and their society against the attacks of Quraish; and lastly, they went out to spread the religion of Islam in the surrounding areas of the Arabian Peninsula. The followers ﵃ have continued the propagation of Islam and the flood tide had not stopped except after the Muslims had forsaken the Islamic life and Islam went out of their practical lives.
Tasks towards one's self:
Muslims are allowed to enjoy whatever Allah makes lawful and should not deprive himself from enjoyment of all that is good. In this way he may give his body what it needs of care and to maintain good health. For a sick and weak body is not able to carry out or to undertake any tasks, so that Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said “A strong believer is better and dearer to Allah than a weak believer but in both of them there is goodness.” Of course, eating healthy and being involved in sports are means by which we keep bodies fit and healthy. Islam prohibits armful things such as intoxicants, swine and blood because of their bad effects and the illness which they may cause. Islam urges Muslim to be clean at all times. Therefore, perform ablution before prayers and bathe often. Islam also commands Muslims to wear clean clothes. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ encouraged ordered his companions to engage in sports such as archery and physical training as he had stated "Train your children to, swim, to shoot (archery) and to horseback riding." All these are for the purpose of keeping the body healthy and fit.
Muslims should give importance to the improvement of his understanding of religious tenets and to his culture. A Muslim is supposed to know that which concerns belief and worship, lawful and unlawful, preaching of religion etc. In addition, he should have knowledge of his profession in order to provide for himself and his family. All of these are known as “Fard al'ayn” - compulsory tasks - which means it is obligatory upon each person. Besides it, is the “Fard Kifayah” which means it is enough to be known and observed by some Muslims, otherwise, all Muslims will be held responsible for its neglect. Among these types of knowledge are scholarly and specialized studies and research and interpretation of the Holy Qur’an and the tradition of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ to suit the understanding and the mentality of the people of today. The general Islamic culture is very important for the Muslim youth and it will not be acceptable for one to transmit an idea which he does not fully grasp, especially at this time when there are many conflicting ideologies and those who are ready to defend them. A Muslim cannot keep his morals as high as it ought to be without any doubt or misgivings unless he understands Islam clearly and correctly. So the Muslim youth should prepare themselves with a deep understanding and equip themselves with knowledge in order to represent Islam in its true reality. Islam is the religion of knowledge, sciences, culture and consciousness and Muslims should be a proof of these ideals. This enabled Muslims in the past to spread knowledge. Some scholars laid the foundations for most of modern science. For example, Jaber Ibn Hayan was the founder of the science of Algebra; Ibn Batuta drew the first map of the world and so many others translated the principles of the existing theoretical system into the practical sciences.
Muslim should participate as much as he can in spreading the Islamic ideologies and Islamic cultures which are very important, for the practical application of Islamic life and to put into practicality the saying of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who said “The best of you is who have learned the Qur’an and teaches it to the others.” The Qur’an contains knowledge of the sciences, history, culture and of course, guidance. In fact, the saying of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ is an order for us to learn and educate ourselves in all the branches of knowledge since the Quran is the Book that contains all knowledge.
Tasks towards the society:
A Muslim individual does not live for himself only. He has a message to deliver in this life which cannot be shirked. A Muslim is responsible for enjoining righteousness and forbidding lewdness. It is the duty of each individual to work for the realization of a justly balanced society and to work for the eradication of evil.
A Muslim should love others and he should express this love by advising and helping his fellow Muslims to not deviate from the straight way. He should practice the saying of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ who said that “No one truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”
The mission of a Muslim is represented in advising, guiding, educating, helping and supporting whoever is in need regardless of their race or creed.
Of course a Muslim cannot achieve any of these tasks unless he takes care of himself, his family and relatives and strives to be an example by putting into practice what he preaches.
A Muslim is the one who is most helpful to people for the sake of his religion, his nation and his country. As a result, he invites the people to accompany him on the straight way and only raises his hand in the defense of the homeland against its enemies.
Tasks towards the whole world
The duties of Muslims towards the world are much bigger because he believes firmly that Islam is the religion of humanity without any differences between one race or nationality. He has a responsibility to propagate Islam with all available means. His tasks and duties are not done until the message of Islam reaches every person on this earth. He is not responsible for changing or converting people to Islam, but he is responsible for its propagation.
Muslim Youth responsibilities
To convey the call of Islam to all people clear of all defects. To connect the lives of Muslims with Islam in their understanding, belief and practice; to revive the spirit of sacrifice and to renew their trust and confidence that Islam Is the only way to save mankind.
To strengthen relations among those who respond to the call and to educate them and train them to organize their efforts to work for Allah's sake.
To counter the challenge of modern civilization in order to amplify Islam in our life and in the world.
Establishment of an Islamic way of life.
To acquaint yourself with the nature of the Islamic movement and associate with the sincere workers and to support and cooperate with them in order to achieve the mutual aims and to establish the rules of Allah ﷻ and strive to liberate and unite the Islamic homeland.
To transfer the Islam to coming generations and to maintain steadfastness in the Islamic ideals and conduct.
Note: This talk was delivered in Guyana by Ustadh Ahmad Ehwas circa 1979-80. Ustadh Ahmad would usually print multiple copies of his talks and give them to the brothers whom he believed would benefit from them. Faisal Baksh held onto the hard copy that was given to him. He scanned it and it was edited by Nazim Baksh to help readers understand and perhaps benefit from the ideas and concepts that Ustadh Ahmad introduced to the Muslim community in Guyana.